I've been a fan of Stacey from Sheeps Clothing's work for a while now but was yet to purchase one of her lovely handmade knitted items. I was prompted to have a look at her shop the other day when she announced a sample sale...and look what I found:
I love it! It's one of her hand dyed yarn hats in the Daisy colourway. Here's a little insight via photo's of my daughters delight when she opened the parcel that was in our letterbox waiting for her one afternoon. Stacey doesn't disappoint! S was captivated by its softness and the beautiful flower brooch.
If you're interested in having a look at her work, head over to Stacey's shop. There's more hats and lots of other lovely handmade items. It's really easy to order. I had a question regarding colours and Stacey was quick to respond, really helpful and lovely to boot.
I took our new hat to my knitting night with the girls and we all had a drool over it. Do yourself a favour and get yourself some Sheeps Clothing. x
What a lovely post! I'm so pleased you and your sweet daughter like the hat.
i love this hat. do they make it in blue for my two boys !!!!
how happy does S look!!!!!
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