Sunday, September 27, 2009

The End

Today marks the end of my journey in gratitude. Actually, not the end of my journey, but the end of my public blogging journey in gratitude. Its really been such a lovely thing to explore. Disciplining myself to see some silver lining in a grey day, or having an outlet to share with you the things that make me feel so blessed.

I'm also proud to say that I posted every day. This is something I've never done before. I'm not sure I could keep up the momentum long term, but it has allowed me to share a bit more of myself, how I see the world and what makes me happy. It's been nice letting you into my head and heart a little more.

Thank you for coming along with me. Documenting the blessings in my life is such a simple thing to do that makes for a happier me. I plan to continue this privately, perhaps in a journal. Seeing the good in things on a daily basis can only be a good thing.

Perhaps my next challenge is learning to laugh when I come around a corner and see the scene pictured above before me. Cleaning porridge out of woven carpet? Ha, ha, ha! I'm delighted that my child is increasing her dexterous skills and further developing her love of textural art. Hmmmm - can't hurt to try :)

{30 Days of Gratitude}

1 comment:

two little buttons said...

you journey inspired me too, and i have enjoyed getting to know you a little better... kepp posting, its great to read your words