Three years ago today, with one last big push, I shot out my little girl. The midwife was so caught off-guard she used her reflexes to catch you. I was so happy to see you after 9 long months and a 23 hour labour. I was convinced you were a boy through my whole pregnancy, so was shocked but delighted all the same when the midwife placed you, a baby girl, in my arms.
From that moment to now it's been a roller coaster and a steep learning curve for us both. You learning to live in this world, me learning to put your needs before mine and live off much less sleep.
Cake chosen by S. The fairy house.
You've kicked my butt into shape in so many ways. I'm learning patience, to bite my tongue, to rise above my grumpiness and be kind, to breathe deeply and stay in a calm place while you're "expressing yourself" in public places. You've taught me the intrigue of wee and pooh, the world of imagination in our back yard, to wave to strangers on buses, to speak nicely or pay the consequences of poor expression by having it repeated to friends and family. You have no boundaries, no barriers, no fear. I'm learning to see the world through your innocent eyes and its a beautiful sight.
From birth you have had a flair for drama. You feel everything at full volume. Happiness, sadness, and everything in between. You are so happy to be here and everything is "so essiting!" You're vibrant, energetic, sensitive, kind, smart, mischievious and loving. You love all things fairy, glittery and pink. Lipstick, glitter blush and hair acessories are your favourites, along with a dress up box full of tulle and sequin adorned dresses.
Birthday gift - her first bike.
The best thing about you being 3 is that you can express yourself:
:: I love you mummy.
:: Mum, I so essited!
:: Mum, we're married. I wear a white dress and you wear your white dress.
:: Oh mummy, you look booful in that dress. I love your earrings too!
:: No, I not a monkey. I Senna Grace!
The worst thing about you being 3 is also that you can express yourself:
:: No, I not!
:: Crying, screaming, lashing out (tired girl behaviours)
:: I don't like it!
All in all, it is a privilege to get to see you up close every day. To be loved by you. To have your little arms wrap around my neck as you hone in for a big wet "Cinderella style" kiss. I've seen all your firsts - smile, roll, crawl, walk, run, ride a bike. I get to see you learn your manners, make friends, test your boundaries, discover being a sister - you're so loving to Isabella.
I'm more alive than ever before because you're part of me. Thank you for choosing me to be yours. I love you more than I ever knew I could. Happy birthday, monkey. I know, I know...you're Senna Grace. xx