Friday, November 28, 2008

Yoga of the Bikram kind

I've "started" Bikram yoga classes in the past week. When I say started - I mean I've gone to 10 classes and am wondering if it's for me.

I first heard about this extreme form of yoga about 5 years ago while living in London. A colleague dropped an incredible 40 kgs in about 6 months and we were all exclaiming at how good she looked. She just looked at us and beamed "It's Bikram yoga". When we looked blankly at her she went on to explain that it's a yoga class conducted in a room heated to 39°C with 40% humidity. Sounded like hell on earth to me, and it's quite an accurate description of my first class. Sweating profusely goes against every ladylike notion ever told to me - but resistence is useless.

On my third class the woman next to me flicked her sweat on me while trying to get into the standing bow pose. I would have thought it was disgusting if I could tell by looking at my body which sweat was mine and which was hers - I was nearly as soaked as she.

It's a challenging class mentally, physically and emotionally (yes I succumbed to the urge to cry that gripped me during my tenth class. They said it might happen. Damn them - it did). But the biggest challenge is the 1 hour return trip and the 1.5 hour class which means I'm away from home for the morning or afternoon...not that great when you have a 2 year old to care for.

Perhaps I can buy the class CD on eBay? Less sweating, less travel. More crying? May work.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Revamping the cork board

In my humble opinion, the cork board can be a necessary kitchen accessory...but rarely is it pretty. That was until it was covered in fabric and given a new lease on life. There, now that's much better!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


In the interest of getting to know me...and gently easing myself into the whole “sharing parts of myself on this blog” thing, I found this quick, easy one word Meme over on Potty Mouth Mama.

So here goes:
Where is your mobile phone? City
Where is your significant other? City
Your hair colour? Brown
Your mother? Loved
Your father? Missed
Your favourite thing? Family
Your dream last night? Weird
Your dream goal? Entrepreneur
The room you're in? Unfinished
Your hobby? Creating
Your fear? Loss
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Abundant
Where were you last night? Lounge
What you're not? Over-confident
One of your wish list items? KitchenAid
Where you grew up? Melbourne
The last thing you did? Loo...
What are you wearing? PJ's
Your TV? Off
Your pets? Feline
Your computer? Useful
Your mood? Hopeful
Missing someone? Always
Your car? Wagon
Something you're not wearing? Undies
Your favourite shop? Oxymoron
Your summer? Imminent
Love someone? Multiple
Favourite Colour? Greens
When was the last time you laughed? Yesterday
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday

Well that was less painful than I thought...although it is perhaps more difficult only using one word - can be interpreted so many different ways. As a recovering people pleaser, I'm going to choose to be ok with that.

Enjoy today.

A new beginning

Hello and welcome to my blog!

This is an exciting new beginning for me - a bit of an adventure in creativity and self exploration. I plan to enjoy the journey and hope that you'll enjoy the little bits of crafty goodness that will appear from time to time in between thoughts about my life and my loves. I'll also be endeavouring to find parts of myself somewhere in that mix. And some balance. Some balance would be a good thing.

So here's to a new beginning.

Enjoy today...